Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy anniversary to us!

I can't believe it's our first anniversary! I remember our wedding day and honeymoon so vividly that it seems like we just got married. On the other hand, however, it also seems like we've always been married because that's just how it's supposed to be. Of course, that could have something to do with the fact that we started dating 7.5 years ago! I don't miss the stress of long-distance wedding planning (or the spending money part of it), but I sort of wish I could relive the day...or at least have a big party with our friends and family and have an excuse to wear my dress again! And go to Disney World afterward. Instead of doing any kind of wedding recap, I'll just point anyone interested to some pictures here - the captions pretty much tell the story of the day:

We had thought about going away for a long weekend but decided to save our vacation days for other things. It's shaping up to be a fun weekend though - Dave Matthews Band happens to be in Hartford this weekend and we discovered last week that there were still Friday tickets available, so we decided to go. Last night was my 6th show and Shaun's 10th or 11th (I guess at that point they begin to run together!), and we had a good time - probably not our favorite show, but it was good to get back to a concert again.

We got back pretty late last night, so we slept in and have been having a nice lazy day so far. Tonight we're going out to eat and seeing a movie, which may not sound very exciting, but we're looking forward to it since we try not to go out too often. I'm going to take off for now but I'll be back later with pictures of a (hopefully tasty) pink champagne cake that I made to replicate one of our wedding cake layers, since we opted to eat our top tier at our 1 month anniversary instead. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!


Mrs.Laker said...

Happy Anniversary!! 1 year down many more to go!! :)

Megan said...

Happy Anniversary - how was the cake?